Thursday, May 28, 2015

HuRTS 1km reps

A call to arms and a good crowd at Rushcutters with Timmy back in the country, Barts, Tucks, Jono, Andy and (pause for breath) even Hoey making an appearance for a speed session.  The girls were well represented with #1 LJ, Erikakaka, Renee and a new chick also in attendance.

Timmy laid out the cones and we did 6 reps of 1km off a rolling 5mins.  Started each conservatively to even split the laps but felt good before the last so took it out aggressively. Ran:

3:05, 3:06, 3:05, 3:02, 3:00, 2:53

Took my shoes off half way through.

Felt good today but got a cold coming on.  Barts took it easy feeling more fluey. Contrary to popular opinion, Hoey has plenty of speed.

Long warmdown with Barts and Heydo boring them with my work stresses for 13km all up and 104km for the week (with 2 rest days).

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