Wednesday, October 24, 2012

John Binfield

Usual Wednesday run with MC, JW, Mr Ace and Shane. New Garmin had 18.47km (ouch) in 1:24 something for 4:37's. Nice and easy which was what I needed as legs were sore from yesterday. Followed up by a Tiger massage. I nearly died on the way there - certainly lost one of my 9 lives- as I was side-swiped by a car when I stepped onto a road without looking (I was stupidly talking on the phone). Bit of a wake up call.

JB is a real talent. Has a similar background to me in running well as a kid (I think he did 800m at English Schools - I did 1500m) and his PB's are now pretty similar to mine. He started out quietly with the squad and then really improved in 2009 when I was off injured, so much so that when I came back he was smashing me. He takes his running (and Ironman's - currently training for Busso) very seriously. If I'm being brutally honest, at times I think he can overtrain. I don't think it's a coincidence that his two outstanding PB's (71 for a Half (Gold Coast, so full length) and 46:xx for City to Surf) came mid-way through preparation for a scheduled marathon. He's certainly capable of a 2:32 marathon and his 10km PB should be in the mid 32's. Having said that, I remember him running a 33:23 at North Head (again, pre-marathon) on a ridiculously blustery day which was worth at least a minute. But what do I know. Has a lovely wife (Sally - another runner) and enviable lifestyle. An all round good bloke.

1 comment:

  1. I think he would run faster if he stopped running in his ten pin bowling shoes. Gives the 6:20 Striders run a wake up call when he does a STaR.
