Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Charlie Dalziell

Big crowd with all the favourites at HuRTS today for the 45min fartlek session. Hammies have been feeling solid so I decided to push it today and see how I held up. Set off with Tucks, J-Fen, Fats and Ray and we stayed that way until J-Fen pushed ahead around the Opera House. Turned halfway through the courtyard of Lend Lease along Hickson Rd - as far as I've reached in years. Ran with Tucks on the way back until he pulled ahead around Farm Cove. J-Fen caught me half way around and then promptly stopped. Finished in 45:10 (albeit pushing the final 30s jog) for 12.93kms all up (3:30's) and a 10:15 final Gate to Gate. Very happy.

I think the Garmin FR10 is the most accurate of the 3 I've had. I love it. 12.93km measures short compared to the 405 and 610, but is exactly the same as Gmaps measures it. It doesn't throw out the wild readings you sometimes get going under Circular Quay. Splits today were all within 3 seconds either side of 3:30's, other than a 3:40 coming up the hills and a slightly quicker finish.

LF Charlie has been running for a continuous period for longer than all of us. If you go onto Coolrunning (which I don't anymore on principle) he's one of the original subscribers. He's flirted with the offroad stuff and some "adventure" races, but I'll forgive him that as we all need a change once in a while and he's been at it for long enough. Has an encyclopaedic knowledge of races and people's PBs. The mild mannered man of the HuRT Squad, until Timmy starts buzzing in his ear. Enjoys a beer, but stops at 4, so sensible too. An all round good bloke.

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