Thursday, October 25, 2012

More 400's

Down to Rushcutters again with a decent crowd this time following MC's decision to change the official session. I tracked Tucks for all the reps, finishing about a second behind him each time. Timmy, Ray, MC and Andy followed with Mr Ace, Mat Kaley, AMP chap and a host of others in attendance. Good to see Alex from work making the last 4 reps as she's getting fitter and fitter for JPM.

We ran whole loops - between 440m and 450m - off a rolling 130 seconds. Felt the extra distance towards the end. Also switched direction after 5 reps which made the second 5 much harder (strangely). I ran:

78.1, 77.6, 76.8, 76.1, 75.9, 77.4, 76.8, dunno, 76.8, 75.9

Longer jog around Mrs Macs with Andy on return for 11km all up.

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