Thursday, August 11, 2011

More tapering

Very easy 11.38km in 48:58 with Timmy, Dickyboy, Big Sam, Norman, Russell, Indrajeet, Dom etc. Plenty of trash talk. Timmy said he was going to rile my big brother Jamie and looks like he achieved his aim. I can hear Alec laughing all the way from Melbourne.


  1. It takes more than this to get me riled. I'm looking forward to young Timmy's next visit to France to show him how much they appreciate Stoke supporters over here.

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Tom was right, have only just stopped laughing, tears still flowing. Jamie mate, you're forty-five you've got to know when you're beaten. Young-Timmy, whoever that is, has just been added to my Christmas card list. Three posts in a row and you were owned each time.

    Loved it.

    Now for the serious bit. Tom in C2S you need to really focus at the start. OK, think about your leg speed and stride. Here's what I've found useful when I go for a jog.... Oh I give up, just have a good run - I'll be reading the blog.

