Saturday, August 13, 2011

Last shouts

6km very easy in the evening with a few run throughs.

Was getting coffee this morning in my usual spot and bumped into Paul McClarnon, a Strider who's a decent runner (he beat Timmy by 6 seconds last week at Lane Cove). Turns out he lives on Bellevue St, one next to ours, so should have another occasional Sunday morning companion for the long runs.

Congrats to the Tiger on the birth of a new cub, Koji. He was trying a very dodgy bet about Millie not giving birth before I finished C2S, knowing full well she was in labour. We eventually agreed on a complicated 4 way combo:

$50 Harry S beats Marty D
$50 Norman doesn't go sub 43
$50 I don't go sub 46:30
$50 Timmy isn't over 49:30

I reckon I'll get 2 so we should be even.

1 comment:

  1. Paul Mc is a good bloke, i'll definitely head over to God's Country for some Sunday runs when i'm fit again.
