Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taper time - getting excited

Out for a very easy 13km run with MC, Kanser, Craig, Brendan, James, Russell etc.

Run at 4:30's but you can tell it is taper time as I just couldn't be arsed. Told Kanser he was looking a bit heavy and he got all upset with me, going silent like a 14 year old girl for the next 5km. I could only coax him out of it by raising the issue of Timmy's mental fragility in the face of big races, and he was on to that like a red rag to a bull - telling me how Timmy didn't have the wealth of racing experience that we did and, having not tasted success at a young age, didn't know how to handle it in his mid-life. I thought this was going over the top a bit, but was just happy to hear the big fella talking again.

MC pulled up lame (tweaked hamstring) at the Opera House. This was about 90 seconds after we told him that Laura was going to smash him on Sunday and I was getting ready to lay a bet. I'll let you work out the correlation.

Otherwise not much else to report. Here are my C2S predictions:

1. Norman: I'd say 43:10, but then he always smashes my expectation, so I'll go aggressive and say 42:40.

2. Fast Charlie: Hit form beautifully. Done a load of big hill sessions. Performs when fit and not injured. 45:15.

3. Bartles: Some big kms in prep for NYC marathon and has speed, but a relative newcomer to this toughest of courses. 47:13.

4. Tucks: Has struggled to find form after his stress reaction injury or alternatively is pulling the best bluffing act ever. Don't discount the latter. But being a betting man, I'll go with the former: 47:57

5. JB: My bet for next HuRTs man home. Struggled since GCM but has class and determination in spades. Knows the race well. 48:10

6. JF: A real step up in form recently and some very impressive hill reps. The only factor against him is, like Bartles, a lack of experience over the course. 48:15.

7. Richie H: Good form over 10min reps. Will be chasing JF the whole way. 48:25.

8. Richie P: Consistent performer. Will be desperate to hold off Timmy. 49:02.

9. Timmy: Form of his life but big questions over mental fragility following State 10km where he should have run 30s quicker. Will he be equally obsessed about getting under 50mins? I think so. 49:45.

10. Big Sam: Yesterday showed signs of regaining his pre-GCM form. Should be enough to get him back in front of Dickyboy. 50:25.

11. Dickyboy: Mr Consistent. Been turning up to more HuRTs sessions recently so I reckon he'll be slightly quicker than '09. 50:30.

12. Laura: Will take the honour of being first HuRTs girl home. And don't underestimate that. 51:40.

13. Flakey: Scraped into preferreds this year. Won't be happening next year. 54:30.

14. LF Charlie: Who? Anyone seen him? 57:30, narrowly holding off...

15. Lisa: First of the CBA girls in 57:40.

Top three will be Shelley, followed by Adams and then Dent.


  1. 42:40 would be a great run, Tim Rowe ran 29:07 at Launceston before his 42mid in '08.

    I'm a bit low on cash and need to take a punt, here are 4 bets all in your favour, take all 4 or it's off the table:-
    $50 Harry beats Marty.
    $50 our baby comes before you finish C2S, due date 16/8.
    $50 you can't break 46:15.
    $50 Timmy can break 49:30.

  2. Good predictions Tom. My shin is sore again so I'll do nothing until race day then get it checked out. I have no motivation when not in good shape so my only plan is to beat Timmy. I think you'll run a pb.

  3. No market for Conway? Only 54:30. Present race form doesn't show much chop. Running from preferred with the long wait in the cold I should do quicker. I'm after 53:06 so I can say I was quicker than Fossil in the age group.

  4. LF Charlie still cannot run 10k let alone 14. Not entered and not running. I'll be watching my 10yo smash Mosman in the rugby semis.

    Good luck lads there could be a few PBs this year if the weather stays cool.

    Looking forward to the race reports.

  5. Gary - you've got too much control over bet #2 (red wine, curry, sex etc) so replace that with "$50 Thurston can't run sub 43" and replaced my 46:15 with 46:50 and you're on.

  6. Ok you dodged a bullet with the baby bet. I don't want to back against Steve because as we all know sub 43min is well within his capabilities. 46:30 is bullshit for you, it's a strength race and you've never been stronger. I didn't realise Harry was racing barefoot, bugger!!!
