Monday, June 13, 2011

Tis done

Yesterday was a write off. Just too tired in the morning - slept on and off until late afternoon (Quentin said the same thing). Then planned a jog but we had a power cut so my day was done.

So met up with Quentin and Jamie for the long run today. They only wanted to do about 80 minutes so we did a loop around Cromer and Dee Why before coming back to Manly where I headed off up around North Head then back to Queenscliff and home via Campbell Parade. Didn't have my Garmin (power cut put paid to that) but time was 2:38:38. I'd guess at 37km. Pace was fairly honest with Quentin and Jamie and I did the last 10km in under 40minutes trying to push the pace home.

The long runs are done!!

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