Saturday, June 11, 2011

Monster Saturday


Easy 7km in the evening feeling bouncy. Nice chap. 111km for the week but feeling like I bludged it after missing Tuesday's session.


Met up with Quentin and Jamie for the Chloe Tighe session I did a couple of times last Spring. 5km hard (4mins), 8 x 1min hills (4mins), 5km hard. Ran the 5kms in 17:17 and 17:15. Felt pretty comfortable on the first with laps of 8:36 and 8:41. First lap of the final 5km I was feeling it (2nd km in 3:34) but then suddenly felt good on the 2nd lap and came home strong with laps of 8:41 and 8:34.

Durante has entered a team for the City Mile Dash next Friday lunchtime because there's about $500 of ASICS gear for each of the winning team members. It's him, Wildman, Tucks and me. I'm the weak link.

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