Tuesday, June 14, 2011

HuRTS Progressive tempo

Still had yesterday's run in my legs so decided not to set off too hard today. Wildman, Tucks, Ray, Bartles, JB and Scott(?) went off super quick with Richie H, Enda, Pete W, the Judge and myself in the next group. The Judge pushed on, Pete dropped back and Enda, Richie and myself made our merry way around the course together chatting about Richie's weak ankles, how we're going to smash the Irish in the City Mile Challenge and the bloody awful weather.

Pushed on a bit from the Opera House onwards (noting JF's shortcut) and got home in 44:36 just holding off Wildman who had run about a km further. Exactly 12km all up so 3:43's average. Had to work hard over the final 2km but otherwise feeling OK.


  1. Remember Tom the Irish will thrive in these conditions in the City Mile Challenge....you have three soft aussies in your team who i predict will crumble in the bad weather!

  2. But you have two triathletes in your team, plus an ultra runner. So that should even it out in the softness stakes.
