Thursday, June 09, 2011

HuRTS Mona Fartlek

Bloody cold today so it was the hardened runners only, i.e. Timmy, Kanser and MC were absent. Was secretly hoping that the fast guys wouldn't be there as I didn't quite fancy a tough session today but rocked up to see Bartles, Tucks and Wildman bouncing around looking raring to go so resigned myself to a tough slog.

Set off pushing the pace. Got to the gate in 2:51 and into the virtuous circle of hitting the tops of the hills on the floats. Wildman was playing around running ahead and jogging back to us. He and Tucks pushed on a bit towards the turn but Bartles and I still reached the gates in 9:43. Again Tucks and Steve pushed ahead on the way back with John and I keeping each other company all the way. Felt better again on the 30's. All up 6.02km in the 20 mins (3:19's).

Did the route again as a warm down with JF, JB and Tucks. 14km all up.

How about this for a trophy! Better than the crappy medals we used to get...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I said Nice trophy!
