Monday, May 23, 2011

Long Monday

35.02km in 2:35:55 (4:27's).

Did 22km around Manly - Burnt Bridge Creek, Queenscliff, Shelley, North Head (inc. Fairfax), North Steyne then picked up my bag from home and ran into work. Felt pretty average around 20km and it was a bit of a struggle from then on but didn't feel much worse at 35km. Made an effort up Parriwi Rd as I knew that would be the make or break. Had a burst of energy at 32km - dunno what Kanser is on about with this 32km mental barrier issue. He's plainly got issues.

Had to run in my flats which wasn't great for the left foot. Not too bad after plenty of stretching.

1 comment:

  1. But it is the 32k point when you are running 3:45/k pace that is the issue. You'll have fun at GCM finding that out.
