Sunday, May 22, 2011

Easy Sunday

Still not feeling great this morning after Friday night's efforts so ditched the idea of racing the Manly Fun Run and ran with the kids in the 2km instead. Billy had a great run finishing 11th in 9:04, Bec was 22nd 30 seconds back but run of the day was Maggie showing her mother and elder brother a clean pair of heels to finish in 14:04 running all the way. Probably a safe bet that she was the first 3 year old.

Felt better in the afternoon (and it was a beautiful day) so headed out with Billy on his bike. We did 12.25km in 51:46 (4:14's). Billy will sleep well tonight.

Quick note of Friday night's bets so that no-one forgets. $200 that Wildman can't run sub 2:25 for a marathon by Gold Coast 2012 and $20 with MC on whether TB can go sub 34:20 at State 10km. Kanser went for $50. The match up that no-one was willing to put money on though is Young Timmy v MC.....

1 comment:

  1. I'll back Timmy in that match-up. Conway is soft!
