Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HuRTS 4 x 3km

Used to be 4 x 10 mins. But when you get fitter it becomes 4 stone gates to stone gates, which is 2.92km, which is the way it was today.

Another huge crowd but with a few of the speedsters (Wildman, Tucks and Quentin) in hiding. More girls again, with Sonya and Olivia joining in this time. Ray will have to pick and choose who to run with soon.

Set off in a group with Fast Charlie, Andy, Dicky H and Bartles all running together with Teetotal Timmy, JF, Clyde and a host of others in hot pursuit. I was immediately struggling with the pace. Went through 1km hanging on to the back of the first group in 3:24 thinking I was running 10s quicker. It wasn't that it hurt, just that my legs didn't feel as though they could go any quicker. Felt good on the hills though where I'd claw back any gaps. Gradually got into it finishing OK. Times for the reps were as follows:


So they got quicker each time (reps 1 and 3 uphill). I felt better each rep. Make a concerted effort to drop everyone on the hills on rep 3 with just Fast Charlie holding on. Then on rep 4 I felt fantastic.

Obviously a bit of yesterday's run in the legs to start with. May struggle on Saturday as it's a big week ahead. Still deciding whether to do North Head or the relays.

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