Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday MLR

With JB and Richie H deciding that their priorities lay with Corporate Cup, I was a bit worried about being alone for the marathon pace stretches today. Luckily I was able to fall back on the services of the Australian 10,000m record holder and Wildman to push me along.

Bloody awful weather - cold, wet and windy. Showed up to find MC, RMR, King James, Andy, Benny St and Wildman huddled together. We shuffled off. My legs were numb, both from the cold and the last 2 days training. At Rushcutters I signalled the start of the first quick stretch and the Saint immediately heads off to the Gents leaving Wildman, Andy and I to force ourselves up through Edgecliff and up Ocean St - gale blowing in our faces. Felt tired here and wishing the session over. Easy lap of the park with the Saint suddenly reappearing from another toilet and we were off on the quick lap. Stevie called out splits of 3:25, 3:22 and 3:23 while he and Benny casually chatted about this and that and I concentrated with my head down, legs burning and spit dribbling down the side of my face.

Andy rejoined us for the jog back, one last quick stretch along Garden Island and we were done. One of those runs you just feel pleased you managed to finish and put in the bag.


  1. I know that feeling only too well: "head down, legs burning and spit dribbling down the side of my face"! And then when you see others just taking it easy beside you while you bust a gut, it's just galling.
    Sounds like the Saint popped into the toilet just to let you get a headstart so that he wasn't completely bored at the snail's pace at which you run!

  2. Ha Jamie! I think my head was even cocked to the side like Dad's always used to be!
