Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Marathon Man

Kanser upped the bet to $200 so I'm in. Also had an email from Sam at GS saying he was in, Quentin said he was in so I'll have some local training partners for the long Sunday runs. Others confirmed are Enda and the Tiger. Just need to hold the body together for 11 weeks.

Today was the same 10km as yesterday at the same effort but 2mins quicker - 39:14 after 20:24 at half way. Shows the impact of running the day after a long run. Then timed the kids for a "round the farm" X-Country route. They kept on knocking fractions off their times with Bec running her fastest of 43.28s and Billy 43.30. Amazing how close they are, but they refuse to race one another, ala Coe and Ovett. I did a lap full bore and managed 36.20s so it shows how much quicker they are getting. Got a sore back now after trying a bit too hard.


  1. Good luck Tom. You'll do sub 2:40 in your sleep. You should be after CT's 2:29 from Berlin.

  2. Tom has not got the capability to run CT's time...Tom is a great mid distance runner. I actually think 3k is his distance. Based on his 3k, 5k & 10k times he should smash 2.40 but remember this is his first road marathon and he fades pretty badily in long races (6 foot are the prime examples). I more than anyone is looking forward to see how he goes and whatsmore even if he cruises it the last 7k will be very tough..

  3. Agree with Dave that PB's show that 3000m to 5000m are my best distances. Will be interesting to see how the "fade" manifests itself in a road marathon versus Six Foot, remembering that Six Foot is equivalent to a 60km road run. Got a lot of learning to do in the next few weeks about nutrition and pace etc. The biggest thing for me though will be increasing the volume without my Achilles flaring up.

  4. Tom, Take no notice of old Kansers views, he's been away to long munching on to many pies to be serious :)
    I'll back you to run a 2.37 - easy

  5. I reckon you should be on for a 2:35 marathon. Your current training schedule is fine for the marathon as long as you include the 30 - 35k Sunday runs in the programme.
    The difficulty in the marathon is holding back the pace at the beginning so that you don't pay at the end. As for nutrition, are you referring to calorie intake during the race ?
