Monday, April 11, 2011

Holiday day 1

10km in Kangaroo Valley in 41:12. Beautiful day and the best place for a run.

Great run by Uncle Dave in the Paris marathon - 2:21 to finish well up in 23rd place. Speaking of which, Kanser is trying to goad me into running Gold Coast marathon, first by betting $100 I won't break 2:40 then telling me I'm running scared of the Tiger. I'll spend the holiday considering my options...


  1. Excellent result by Dave Criniti indeed. Conditions were warm and plenty of sun but at the speed he was going he avoided the worst of the heat.
    I bet you can beat 2:40. McMillan predicts just under 2:33 and 2:40 is only 13 minutes faster than me or 18 seconds per km. Take the bet!

  2. Yeah Tommy go for it! 2:40 is a laugh. Ray just ran 2:42 at Canberra (he kept that quiet on Friday). Tucks ran 2:37 on the way to 50k. You want to get your first out of the way with a soft target and then set a more agressive target for your second.

  3. Hey James take a ticket mate, The line is the length of George St with people wanting Tom to take the bet. Kanser will be losing his house on this one :)

  4. I reckon a sub 70 half at GC, then 2:32 at Melbourne.

  5. I shall enjoy your challenge, good luck and I think you can go 2h35/36 at GC.
