Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kangaroo Valley 400's

Kicked off my marathon training yesterday with a rest day. Didn't intend it that way, but after a day at Jambaroo Water Slide park (my second most favorite amusement park) arrived home in the dark which put paid to any run given the lack of street lighting.

Punished myself with 400's today, needing them with the JPMorgan race in a week. Jogged 3km to a straight flat section of road, marked out 400m on the Garmin (straight line so i think it was accurate) then did the usual session off a rolling 2 minutes. Reps went as follows:

69, 70, 70, 68, 70, 69, 69, 69, 69, 67.

Felt stronger in the second half than last week and form felt better, although that could be from running on road rather than grass. 3km jog back for 11kn all up.


  1. Well, Tom's number one amusement park is? I'll guess Dreamworld.

  2. I'd had said 'St James Park' :)
