Tuesday, February 01, 2011

HuRTS 5min reps

It was carnage out there today. With scenes reminiscent of Passchendaele, grown men were left weeping spead-eagled around Farm Cove in the 35C heat. Wildman (2 reps) - goneski. Dicky H (3 reps) - kaput. Fast Charlie (4 reps) - au revoir. Big Mikey H (6 reps) - auf wiedersehn. JF (6 reps) - ciao. It was left to the hard men of running to see this session through. Jason I, Young Timmy, Tucks, Quentin, RMR, Ray, King James and myself - all runners schooled in the University of hard knocks with diplomas in perseverance - finished all 8 and rewarded ourselves with a dip in the harbour. Best way to spend a lunchtime. There's not many cities in the world you can do that.

In truth, we started pretty easy. Big Mikey H pushed reps 3 and 4 which were our quickest. Normally we pick the pace up as we go but we were just holding on to the original pace for the final reps just trying to deal with the heat. The 90s rests would either be spent jogging to the bubbler or hiding under a tree. Massive crowd despite the conditions and great to see some old familiar faces returning.

Quentin is running on Saturday which should give me something to aim for. Only 8 promoted from the Vets waitlist for Six Foot this morning so I'm now number 9 on the list...


  1. Great work Tom! Sorry I missed it. A bit of man flu lately. Was ready to head out today when I realised I had everything except my shoes. I reckon that track would have been warmish.

  2. You are a shoe-in for 6 foot now
