Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting hot, hot, hot

32C and humid today. Felt warmer. Supposed to be 38C for our 8 x 5mins tomorrow. I think a dip in the harbour could be called for.

Good crowd today including some old timers like Wildman, Killa, Tucks, MC, Clyde, Springer, Laura, Rob, King James etc. Very easy pace because of the heat. Despite the large starting group only Tucks and I actually finished the whole thing. 15.8km in 71:36.

Six Foot start list down to 893. I'm 17th on the waitlist. Could be some good news coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Well done Tom, As it's going to be hot tomorrow and a Swim has been suggested, would you like me to bring your armbands and floaties in for you :)
