Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Steamy Wednesday

Not quite as hot as yesterday (33C) but a slight breeze today which made a huge difference. Last night was a shocker. Not a breath of wind so just lay sweating all night in a 28C sauna.

Just MC, a mate of his I'd not met before, RMR and Big Mikey H today, with MC and his mate peeling off at the first lap around Centennial. Took it very easy due to the heat just trying to get the kms into the legs. Having said all that, I felt better today than any day this year. Not an ache or pain to speak of and felt pretty sprightly. I'll put it down to the Tiger massage yesterday.

All up 1:25:38 for the 18.7km (4:34's). Good to see Big Mikey H out again. At one point he asked whether we were going to do marathon pace stretches (like the good old days). I quickly hosed down that idea. I once did this loop with him in 1:14:43 (July 30 2008).


  1. Tom, are you planning to run the 5,000m this week and race Striders? Will be interesting to see how you on the back of some big kms.

  2. Hey Matt, we should be taking tips from you based on recent results. Too scared to face Mr Bateman tomorrow night but will race the 7km Sun Run on Sat morning (new race). Don't expect effects of increased kms to take effect until April, probably a detrimental effect on race results until then.
