Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dee Why Dash

Up at 5.45am, jogged directly to Dee Why to work out how long it'll take me to get to the start of the Sun Run next week (28 mins), joined 6.20am group of Dee Why Dash including Flakey, RMR, Mark Fiore, Pete T, Steve Hume, Georgie, Jo Cowan. Pushed the hills as I was feeling good and there are plenty of hills on this run. Pace picked up a lot coming down Allambie road running 3:50's, stopped at Queenscliff having done 31km in 2:22.

Dipped the legs in the Pacific Ocean which felt magic, shark alarm went off so hopped out. First thing Gaz says to the kids in Under 8 Nippers is "Follow Tom for a run down the beach!". I'm shagged out and can't even keep up with the slow kids. Beautiful morning though. Walk home with the kids eventually by 11.15am and immediately fall asleep on the sofa. Best start to the day.

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