Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Busy Wednesday

Jogged the 4km to Carl's this morning to do the plyometric session. I'll soon be able to do this (cheers Tucks for the link). Getting much better at the hops, bounds and leaps.

Then out for 19km with the boys at lunchtime. Legs felt very heavy from the morning and wasn't helped by the very high humidity. To be honest, I dragged myself around the 19km in 1:29:05. Dicky H, MC, King James, RMR, Marty, Christian and Todd were there. Followed it all up with a Tiger massage to put me back on the straight and narrow.


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    More like this you mean :)

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Super athlete, Long Arms reckons Linford is the hardest trainer he has ever seen. You would love seeing the jumpers and hurdlers training at the track, they are amazing.

    Love Tiger
