Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

Jeepers Creepers! One of the biggest HuRTS turnouts ever recorded today. Must be the New Years' resolutions because the weather wasn't crash hot. Well, it was very warm, but overcast and very humid. I was sweating like Mutha Bacon.

Set off in a big group with Tucks, Quentin, Ray, Andy, Rich H and JF. This whittled down to me, Tucks, Quentin and Ray (only running half) around the Opera House. Then I needed to pee, so did so, and tried to catch JF, Andy and Rich before the turn. Just caught Rich on the turn so ran back with him trying to drop him all the way but he's a tenacious bugger, only dropping back coming around Farm Cove. Tucks came by at the Opera House (he went through 10km in 35mins) and I tried to hold on to him but with no success. He was flying. And I was knackered. At least Quentin didn't come by.

Finished up in 45:12 despite more time to run back due to my stop on the way out. Legs are tired with the extra mileage and the humidity didn't help. Poor old Timmy though. He was as pale as a ghost and looked well spent. I think he believes that frolicking in the pool and posing on a bike will get him fit. But he learned his lesson today.

2km warm up and 3km warm down with Tucks and Andy for at least 17km all up.

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