Thursday, January 13, 2011

Even more easy running

Woke up. Tried to move legs. Struggled. Swung legs out of bed like Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump. Hobbled to bathroom. Resolved not to run hills today. Limped into work. Received text from Andy saying he had a meeting and couldn't make session anyway. Sent email to Tucks, Andy, Timmy and Dicky H pulling out of the session. Copped abuse from Timmy. Dicky H also wanted an easy one so met him with the rest of the HuRT Squad prior to their session. Jogged 12km in 57mins with Dicky H around and about, throwing abuse at Timmy while doing his Farm Cove reps. Caught site of Andy doing SECRET TRAINING ON HICKSON ROAD!! So his meeting was with Mr Pain, address Hickson Road! Outrageous behavious which won't be forgotten. Legs feel much better for the run.

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