Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wednesday slog in the rain

One of those days where it would have been much easier to roll over in bed and forget about it for the day. Instead, put my kit and rucksack on with a gore-tex jacket over the top and ran the 4kms to Carl at Spit Bridge. Did the session with him (no bounding today due to the weather (and my body)) but instead more core strength stuff - he even emailed me with the details:

*Wk 2/4 Race recovery program full ROM PN demand high x10-15 reps
-S (55) single jacks
-S (55) double prone jacks with S chest support (no hold)
-S (55) LB roll out (oblique focus)
-D full squat
-B kneeling R woodchopper x13.6kg

Then followed up with the 10km jog to work feeling very heavy-legged, especially on the hills. Absolutely soaked as it was a downpour. One of those days I used to love in the UK as I knew I'd be training when some of my competitors wouldn't be. Unfortunately my competitors out here seem more hardcore than me.

Put a link up to Carl's website on the left for anyone that is interested. Highly recommended. Got me over my achilles problems and will be my not-so-secret weapon for next year...

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