Tuesday, November 30, 2010

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

Looked out the window before lunch and it looked cloudy and cold so put a long sleeve top on. Step outside and it's warm and humid. The top was drenched by the end of the session.

Fair crowd today (including AAR recruit Ali) but good upfront with Dicky H, Tucks, and new chap Quentin but with me doing all the work. Turned about 20m after the second speed bump on Hickson Road so a decent distance but slowed a bit with the effects of the humidity on the way back. Dicky dropped off just before the Opera House and my legs were gone as soon as we hit the hills with Tucks and Quentin pushing ahead. Got back in 45:54. Legs affected by the lack of a long run in training at the moment.

Good to see RMR justifying his Most Improved trophy for HuRTS with a 2.5 minute PB over the Half Marathon at the weekend.

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