Thursday, December 02, 2010

HuRTS Gate to Gates

Muggy today, had a bit of a headache and generally lacking any mojo but headed down with Jules mainly just to run with some mates. Tucks was taking it easy so ran with Dicky H on the first two reps and a bit ahead on the others apart from the last where Tucks put some effort in and blew us away. Others there included Andy, Todd, Bill, Clement, Ray, Anna, Luke and French chap Ben. Times went:

2:52, 2:51, 2:47, 2:49, 2:47, 2:46, 2:42

It's 909m so that is averaging 3:04's. Felt pretty comfortable on all but the last, but was still wondering how I ran them 10s faster per rep prior to JPMorgan. Then following Tucks on the final rep I realised how - you have to go full bore from the start and hurt yourself during each rep. But I wasn't up for that today.

We were supposed to do 8 but everyone seemed pretty happy to call it quits at 7. Very Conwayesque behaviour and he wasn't even there.

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