Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mentally weak

Plan for today was the Campbell Road session - 13 x 660m alternating floats and fast. However, things started to conspire against me. I'm not as fit as I was, I could only get out in the middle of the day when it was stinking hot (32C), had to run in trainers and not flats and wasn't in the right frame of mind. The reps went:

2:21; 2:08; 2:28; 2:10; 2:30; 2:10; 2:31; 2:12 - then I pulled the plug. It's probably only the second time ever I've not finished a session. But I was slowing down and really struggling in the heat so decided against flogging a dead horse. Have to say it's also part of the attempt to keep on enjoying my running.

Feel for those running the marathon tomorrow if conditions don't change overnight. Good luck to all.

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