Friday, September 19, 2008

It can't be true!

Moment of truth this morning. Ran into work with the Garmin and measured the distance. I'd previously plotted it on GMap at just over 13km ( and the Garmin has been almost identical to GMaps so was expecting something similar.

Started off at a good pace and was aiming to maintain 4:10kms all the way. Struggled with all the hills in the first half getting to Spit Juntion (5.91km) in 25:18 - 4:16 per km. I usually reach Spit Junction in 27-28mins so this was pretty quick. Picked up the pace along Military Road, struggled over the bridge and got to work in 53:22. Probably my quickest run to/from work that was not run as a tempo session. However, the Garmin said it was only 12.73km(!) meaning an average pace of 4:12 p/km. It might have lost a bit in the undercover steps that go back and forth on each other at the end of the Harbour Bridge but not 300m. I think I'll stick with the GMap calculation for now...

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