Sunday, September 21, 2008

Long Sunday

3 x 10km route. Set out with the intention of taking it very easy the whole way - particularly after having friends over for dinner last night and sinking 3 bottles of red between the three of us drinking. First lap was just spent trying to conserve as much energy - went through 10km in about 43:50 having been on 4:30's for the first few km. Felt great at the start of the second lap and just put my head down and churned out the kms in great running conditions. Started to tire during the final lap but still kept the pace at about 4:18's. Ended up with a total of 30.64km in 2:11:30 (4:17 average).

Heel is now sore. It doesn't like long distances. Will apply plenty of ice today and take the voltaren in the hope of keeping the inflammation down.

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