Thursday, September 18, 2008

HuRTS Mona Fartlek

Beautiful day, bit of wind about and almost recovered from a 36 hours hangover. Usual Mona Fartlek today. Smaller crowd than normal with the Sydney Running Festival this weekend but still lots of quality with Stevie T, Serg, Muz, the Judge (making a welcome return), Tri Ry, MC (bringing a female with him, God forbid), Gareth, Pete W and others.

Steve pretended he was running with us for the first 90 sec rep then disappeared off into the distance, leaving Serg, Muz and I to run together the whole way. Serg is obviously trying to play mind games before New York by telling Muz and I that he thought he'd take it easy today and "just run with us" but I heard that heavy breathing towards the end so I'm not so sure. Pushed the first two 60 second reps to reach the Stone Gates with 10 seconds to spare. Struggled as usual over the 3rd and 4th 60 second reps before pushing the 30s. Finished the 20 minutes having covered 5.94km (3:22 pace).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Mind games me ... Never !!

    I think you miss-understood me, I didnt say it was easy, I said it would be easier then chasing Steve, which I am sure you agree.

    Can't wait for NY now that I actually completed a session.

    BTW that was Muzz's Heavy breathing :)...
