Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HuRTS 45mins Fartlek

Beautiful day, cooler than yesterday but still clear. We'd thought the wind had dropped too until we turned the first corner and realised it had been behind us for the first 2km.Crowd up fron was Stevie T, Serg, Muz, new bloke Tri Ry, Durante (still struggling with injury) and myself with Kanser joining in half way around Farm Cove. Kanser, Stevie, Serg and Tri Ry pulled ahead slightly getting towards Hickson Rd before Serg and Tri Ry dropped back to join us just before the turn. Reached the turn (22.30 mins) at 6.49km (3:28 pace). Very quickly caught by Kanser (going great guns) and Stevie then Tri Ry dropped off at the Toaster. Reached 10km in 34:45 when Serg stopped, leaving Muz and I to finish it off (Stevie having long since disappeared off into the distance). Finished just beyond the stone gates for 12.86km in the 45mins (3:30 pace).

If the slow sections were 4:10, the fast sections averaged 3:14. If they were 4:00, the fast sections were 3:17. They felt slower than 4:00 per km but then they also feel slow compared to the fast sections.

Good crowd at HuRTS including Chris G, Springer, MC (cutting short), Enda (back from injury), Adam and English Andy. Sitting here in the office with stomach cramps - just like I used to get when doing hard sessions coming back from injury in March/April.

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