Sunday, April 13, 2008

Long Sunday run

Caught up with Fats and the Tiger in Centennial and basically meandered about - a couple of laps around the outside and a few more in the middle. Ran parts with Dimitri and Caleb. 2 quickish inside loops at the end. About 30km in 2:13:34. Beautiful morning.

Some great preliminary results from Canberra - Uncle Dave second in 2:27:40 and Tucks 3rd (beating Jeremey Horne) in early 2:29. I think my days of being competitive with Tucks are over.

1 comment:

  1. I had a feeling about Tucks and the podium. Great result by Uncle Dave as well.
    Tucks can hang out the back of HuRTS with me next week :-) ha ha ha ha ha ....ahem
