Monday, April 14, 2008

Recovery Monday

Serg's 15km Centennial Park route run with Serg. 66:11. Slightly quicker than I'd normally do a recovery run (I was running with Serg after all) but nice nonetheless. Managed to run out a few aches around the left glute I'd had from the weekend. Perfect running conditions - cool and rainy. Some people were complaining about the cold running in the Canberra marathon yesterday. I didn't realise it could be too cold for running. They should try running the North East Cross Country Harrier league at Prudhoe in January.

Congrats to Tim L for his 2:47 in the London marathon yesterday - great run mate.


  1. Too cold for running indeed !! What a bunch of big girl's blouses those Australian running mates of yours are !
    If you want some cold have a look at this race in Serre Chevalier in January over 68km with 3500m of uphill:
    This is a race for real men. We should both sign up for this one next year.

  2. Prudhoe in January is one thing but that is just stupid. One of those blokes was wearing shorts. That sort of behaviour results in permanent damage.
