Saturday, April 12, 2008

Campbell Parade stuff

Was planning on the usual 7.5km tempo run but needed to get the kids out so took them down to Campbell Parade with their bikes. I ran 13 loops of the 650m circuit, one float then one fast etc. Map is here: Loops went as follows:

2:26; 2:12; 2:21; 2:10; 2:23; 2:09; 2:21; 2:07; 2:21; 2:04; 2:22; 2:05; 2:21

Works out at averaging about 3:36 per km for the floats and 3:15 per km for the fast sections. Overall average of 3:29 per km for the 8.45km. Great session in the end - felt as though I got more out of it than the usual tempo run. Interesting how the faster sections get faster but the floats remain consistent.

Billy did 13 loops on his razor (over 5 miles) and was complaining at the end that his leg was sore. He only ever stands on his right leg. I've got high hopes for him.

Good luck to Tucks, Springer, Superflake, TJA, Uncle Dave, Chris G and all the others running Canberra tomorrow and Tim L in London.

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