Sunday, January 08, 2017

Last day of hols

Different crowd this morning with Barts spending time at his second home in Palm Beach, Scotty out on the piss, Macca still nursing a broken body and Lewis deciding to run 30 hilly kms at sub 4min kms.

Dragged myself out of bed and bumped into Darren, Erika, the Cap'n, Ben and Craig already running 4:30's due to Darren having started 20mins earlier.  So that lopped a minute of my average pace for the 2nd km.  OCD went through the roof when Toby (who we picked up at Dee Why - not many people often say that) took us in a detour around Long Reef and the lovely houses of Collaroy Basin.

From Narrabeen lake Toby and Darren started picking up the pace and by Cromer we were running 4min kms.  Toby peeled off at Brooky Oval so finished off solo.  28km in 4:22's.  Bloody knackered but the ocean was perfect.

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