Monday, January 09, 2017

17 days

Wildman Thurston once said to me that if he could put together 17 days straight, he knew he was back on the wagon and starting to get fit.  I raised this with him a few years later and he claimed he had no idea what I was talking about and shouldn't listen to the crap he made up on the spot to start a conversation.  But it's always stuck with me as I realise how infrequently I put together 17 days straight.  Just done so, for the first time since July or August I reckon.  

It was an easy wharves run with a big crowd.  Spoke to (variously) Elle, Renee, Enda, Hoey, Bruce, Brendan and finished off the 18km with just Big Brother Kev and a good chat to him.  Also did my prescribed 4 x hills and I'll try to stick to Gary's training schedule from here on.  Not sure why I've been paying him for the past 2 months as what I've been doing hasn't looked anything like what Training Peaks told me I should be doing.

Watched this with the family this evening.  Bloody brilliant.  5 popcorns.


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