Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Tough Tempo

Wandered outside at 6.15am and its raining and windy.  Why the hell do we do this I ask myself.  And I've got to get to North Head before I even start the session. 

But, dressed in my Eurotrash Gilet, I ventured up there to find Darren, Erika, Jamie, Macca and Ben waiting.  Quite a turnout on a hideous morning.  Erika informed us that you only felt the full brunt of the wind once you got beyond the roundabout.  Jamie said his instructions were to do only 20mins and to hold on to me, so at least I'd have company to start with.  My session was 60mins tempo.  I'd normally aim to hold 3:30's for that but would have to reassess with the conditions.

Set out with Jamie on my shoulder which kept the pace honest.  16:10 for the first lap averaging 3:32's but it was a lap of two halves - struggling to get under 3:40's into the wind then enjoying the tailwind on the return.  Jamie stops just over a km later and I'm running solo and immediately slow.  16:36 for the second lap but stabilise to do 16:42 for the third.  Then a shortened final lap for 16.72km all up (3:35's).

Very happy with that in the conditions even if the coach wasn't.  I could see the looks on the faces of everyone else running into the wind so knew they were all struggling too - Macca managed 3:54's for his 60mins.

4km warm up and warm down for 25km(!) all up.

Then a few good beers with Macca, Darren, Erika and families over a BBQ in the late afternoon rain at Macca's.

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