Monday, January 04, 2016

Stair rods

Went out at 1.30pm just as it starts coming down in stair rods.  After I got drenched it was an enjoyable run.  Felt good again (helped by all the sleep and rest I'm getting - up to Episode 13 of "World War 2 in Colour" on Netflix).  Queensie to Shelley was deserted.

Downloaded Garmin Connect after instructed by Craig and it looks great.  More stats than the Enigma Code.  Today:

Very upset that it believes I live in Manly Vale though.

Exciting news for the day is that there is a new blog in town.  Given it belongs to good mate and fierce rival Chris Truscott, I'll be paying it close attention.  Link is now added.  BTW, his targets for the year pretty much match mine.  Although I'll struggle to run a decent Half with SMH  coming shortly after London and being in The States during Gold Coast.


  1. And what is wrong with Manly Vale? :)

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Link it to strava now, you'll be in running nerd heaven

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    You wish you lived in Manly Vale Tom
