Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Usual 20km North Head route this morning including the 4 x Mackellar hills. Ran with Lewis most of the way but with new lad Robbie Begg (good triathlete apparently) for the first 5km.  Then, bizarrely, Quentin popped out of a side street looking startled, told us he'd nearly been hit by a tree, then promptly disappeared.  I think he must have been trying some of Enda's medication.

4:29's all up.  Knackered this morning.  Increased mileage catching up with me.


  1. So London is 3 months away. Where does your mileage peak on route if you are doing 140k now?

  2. Kirst says she doesn't know

  3. You know you want a day off mate. Don't feel bad. You made it this far.
    Injury vs $50 ???

  4. A great lad Robbie Begg! I know him well from Balmoral Triathlon Club.
