Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Australia Day

AM:  5.30am alarm.  Half wake, feel guilty about Q, Jamie, Tim P et al. waiting at Manly Oval.  Tell myself I'm knackered, the extra sleep will help and it would be un-Australian to get up at this hour.

Wake 2 hours later feeling lethargic again but force myself out.  4km warm up, 5 x 800m on the long grass of Nolans out the back gate.  Ken almost bowls me over on rep 4 getting over-excited at my sprinting.  It's getting very warm.  5mins rest then 20mins tempo.  Christ that was hard.  Felt as though I was holding on from the first km.

800's were 2:29, 2:29, 2:27, 2:26, 2:26

20 mins tempo was 5.85km (3:25's).

These sessions get me fit.  I keep telling myself.

PM:  Well - about 3 hours later as I had an Oz Day BBQ in the arvo.  7.5km easy on the grass of Nolans and Passmore in 4:40's.

27km for the day.  Monster monster.

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