Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wild West

So last night was spent watching the water around us rise.  Headed to Jason's next door, along with fellow neighbours John, Rob, Geoff and Tomas and a fair few crew from the Manly Daily and Daily Telegraph.  John brought around a lovely St. Hugo Shiraz and we were having a great time.  But the water kept on rising - particularly on the road in front of the house.  Headed into the house at midnight.  Kept a lookout until 2.30am when it finally started receding, but at that stage my garage was flooded and it was within 3 inches of coming into the house.  Definitely a brown pants moment, particularly as every other family in the street had sent their kids off to friends whilst mine (and my wife) slept soundly in bed oblivious to what was going on.

Went to bed, then got up at 5.30am and the water was a full metre lower than 3 hours earlier.  Got a taxi to the airport, flew to Perth.  Arrived in balmy warm and sunny conditions so ran 12.3km along lovely paths by the river in 52:29 (4:16's) before heading to the office to work out what they do over here.

Very chilled city and with the ability to run for miles without crossing a road, I like it.

Now knackered and going to bed after an eventful 24 hours.

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