Friday, April 24, 2015

Fartlekking the Tan

Flew from Perth to Melbourne early Thursday morning.  Checked into hotel and immediately changed into running clothes to get out to do the session.

Jogged 15mins from my hotel to the top of the hill of the Tan and started 20mins of fartlek (2mins on, 1min off).  Ran anti-clockwise which seemed to be the opposite to everyone else.  Felt very lethargic to start with with the legs not wanting to play ball, but eased my way into the session from 3km onwards.  Very happy with the distance on 20mins - 5.88km (3:24 pace average).

Then 5mins jog followed by 20mins tempo.  Ran clockwise this time, to get the hill over in one go and have a gentle downslope for 2.5km to follow.  Again struggled in first km then it came together.  Km splits were 3:26, 3:21, 3:39, 3:17, 3:14, 3:17 (pace) for 5.92km and a 3:22 average all up.  Clocked my lap of the Tan split at 12:59.

Then 15mins jog back to the hotel for 19km all up.  Very happy with that session given all the flying of the previous 48 hours.  Feel like I'm hitting some good form.

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