Monday, April 27, 2015

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Schedule had an hour.  So I set off later and ran the usual Sunday route in reverse expecting to bump into the lads after 30 mins for the second half.

But they never showed?  Kept on running all the way to Narrabeen Lake but still no sign.  So jogged back slowly having gone further than scheduled.  Eventually turning into Pittwater Rd with only 3km to go I see Macca and Justin storming from behind and with a km to go Macca catches me. Ran with him at the end to do 19km in 4:35's.

Nice breaky with Craig, Macca, Justin and Charlie before catching up again in the evening to watch the London Marathon.  Chuffed to see the classy Kipchoge take it out.  He's under-rated but joins the likes of Bekele, Gebreselllasie and Zatopek as someone who has won world titles at 5000m and won the most competitive marathon.  Bit disappointed by Shelley's 2:11:19.  It's an argument against negative splitting (which Shelley did).  On a course with a downhill first half, a negative split is a wasted opportunity and excessively conservative.


  1. Wilson let him win.

  2. Looking at the results it looks like Shelly and 2 others were with a pacer for the first 30k. Shelly certainly finished the strongest of the group.

    Negative split 1:05:47 to 1:05:32

    Pretty amazing pacing if you ask me.

  3. Gebrselassie never won 5000 worlds or Olympics, overrated if you ask me
