Tuesday, April 28, 2015

2km TT

Over to ES Marks this evening for a 2km TT with some 200m's to follow which I had to miss in order to pick up Charlie.

Warmed up with Coach and his crew but had to start earlier than the rest as a result of running out of time.  One of the fast girls called Davina was to pace me through 800m in 2:20 and then I had to hold on for another 3 laps.  Felt great in the warm up and strides and conditions were cool with a bit of wind down the back straight. Main issue was a very busy track meaning a bit of weaving required.

Davina went off hard and we were though 200m in 32s.  800m in 2:18, 1km in 2:52 and finished in 5:49.7.

New PB for me today and felt able to push hard on the final lap.  Probably eased off a bit too much on lap 3.

Only time for a short warm down before jumping in the car.  

Fighting off a sore throat.  But this was a confidence booster if I can keep it at bay.

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