Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Billy No Mates Wednesday

Arranged to meet the Manly crew at 6am but set off just before 5.45am to get a few extra km in (had to be back early).  This meant I arrived at the Boy Charlton Pool from the opposite direction and was about a minute late but Erika did a Mikey on me and sent everyone off on the dot.  So ran solo in the dark feeling sorry for myself.

Eventually bumped into Erika near Shelley running back so circled back with her for 14km dead flat all up.  Left knee is still a bit sore so was happy to avoid the hills and cut short.  4:37 pace.

Had a few beers with Birchy, Andy and J-Fen last night so to get out and run 14km at 5.45am actually involved a Herculean effort. 

1 comment:

  1. I reckon you were pretty happy to miss us...... I know I dont need too many excuses at 6am.
