Tuesday, March 03, 2015

10 x 330m

Missed HuRTS due to a meeting.  Had just read an article on the importance of speed training (circulated by the Tiger) so decided to do 10x400m solo later in the arvo.  Then Robdog sends me an email saying, Tommy, do 10x300m with a 100m float instead.

When a bloke as classy as Robdog tells you what to do, you obey.  So jogged over to Rushcutters, tried to work out about 3 quarters of the oval was and set off.  No watch, just ran hard and floated for 10 laps.  Bit of mental pain, seemed to work the glutes well so a good session.  

Jogged a lap and counted chimpanzees all the way rounds.  122 chimpanzees for the sprint section and 163 chimpanzees for the full loop so must have been very close to 3 quarters (330m and 110m).

Jog back to the office for 11km all up.

1 comment:

  1. I always love the idea of 300 with 100 'float' but only do it when it really windy and the float is done into the wind.
    Saying that it is never a 'float' as if I'm in some form of supremely relaxed and easy running! My 'floats' are more like leaden anchors dragging me down!
