Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Run swim run swim run swim run

Out at 5.30am to meet Macca, Erika, Quentin and Jake Stollery (serious triathlete) for the session mentioned in the header.  Ran to North Curly pool then swam 4 lengths freestyle.  Then Erika got some minor crustacean in her foot and Q and Jake (with the longest fingernails - Macca and I are obviously much more nervous, and less feminine, chaps) tried unsuccessfully to extract it.  So she was to hobble home.

We ran to South Curly pool for another 4 lengths freestyle (at least that's what I did - I think Jake did 8 in the same time).  Then we ran to Freshie and rather than go in the pool we swam out about 75m then did a length of the beach.  Decent swell here so I reverted to breaststroke managing to hold on to Macca's ankles.  Jake at this stage was approaching New Zealand.

Finished off with a run home for 13km all up.  Got home to find Kirst heading out to Splat with the kids for brekkie so joined them to top off a fab morning.

Claudia and Kirst after Claudie's nativity play this morning.

1 comment:

  1. You should be chugging a beer after each swim.
