Thursday, November 27, 2014

Nolans 1km reps

Up at sparrows fart again for 6 x 1km reps off a 2min rest at Nolans.  Planned to meet the boys at 5:45am.  I was 2 mins late and no one was there.  But before I could mentally finish the phrase "you beauty, I'm going back to bed" up pops Dicky, then Quentin and then Macca.  Bit of a warm up then into the session.

The first rep is always a bit of a heart starter at 6am having been awake for half an hour.  Saw the time and thought this is going to be tough.  Then put the same effort into the next rep and it's almost 10s quicker.  Amazing what a bit of blood flow can do.

First 3 reps had a long section into the wind so we reversed direction for the next 3 and the times quickened.  They were (per km):

3:17, 3:08, 3:09, 3:02, 3:01, 3:05

Ran them all with Quentin.  Very tired at end.  Tough on that surface.

6km warmdown with Macca and Q for 13km all up.

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